
Rats and Mice in the House!

These pests leave a trail of sounds and signs you can’t ignore. You can even smell their presence. Here are some hints you have to watch out for:

  • Scrambling sounds from the ceiling, behind walls, and inside closets
  • Gnawing sounds from the storage rooms, wall spaces, and subfloor areas
  • Partially eaten food like bread, fruit, or nuts
  • Rat droppings, which may be found near enclosed areas and pathways to their hiding places
  • Holes in the ground and those next to sewer lines
  • Grease marks along the edges or surfaces. These grease marks are from the oil that has stuck to the rat’s fur and has gathered dirt
  • Gnawed marks on rubber and wood materials

Where are the common entry points of rats and mice? 

ocating the exact entry points of these pests in your home or establishment is the first important task before any control and prevention methods can be initiated. Here are the common entry points that pest control providers need to thoroughly check to do a good job of eradicating these pests:

  • Overlapping roofs
  • Spaces between the vent pipes 
  • Tile roofs
  • Toilet rooms
  • Under garage doors
  • Broken windows
  • Storage vent screens

Checking these hidden spaces will help ensure success in controlling and preventing rat infestation, making your home and office areas safe from the menace these pests bring to people’s lives.

Why is eradicating rats and mice so important?

These pests are known for spreading diseases that can be fatal if disregarded or not treated immediately. 

One of the most prominent is Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM), an infectious disease caused by the Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCVM). The virus’ primary host is the common house mouse – Mus musculus.

LCM is acquired when fresh urine, droppings, or saliva of infected rats or mice are inhaled or directly introduced to the eyes or mouth, or when a person is bitten by an infected rat or mouse.

 It has been known to cause acute hydrocephalus (increased fluid in the brain), myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord), and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

Leptospirosis is another dreaded bacterial disease that is most commonly acquired during the rainy season. The Leptospira interrogans bacteria cause the disease.  A person becomes infected through breaks in the skin, like scratches or open wounds, that come in contact with water contaminated with the urine of infected rats and mice.

Rat-Bite Fever (RBF) is another infectious disease caused by two different bacteria: Streptobacillus moniliformis and Spirillum minus

People become infected after contact with an infected or dead rat, or through consumption of food or water contaminated with the urine and droppings of rats and mice carrying the bacteria.  This fever, known as Haverhill fever, when not treated right away, can become serious and fatal.

Salmonellosis is a very common human infection that affects more than 90 million people worldwide each year and can be acquired from rat and mouse droppings. Those afflicted with the disease may experience diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever.

Mild cases of Salmonellosis tend to resolve on their own. However, severe cases can be fatal if you don’t receive timely treatment.

Murine Typhus, also known as flea-borne or endemic typhus, is caused by a bacteria known as Rickettsia typhi. People get infected when they come in contact with infected fleas, whose hosts are rats.

Fleas poop when they feed. This poop (also called flea dirt) contains the bacteria Rickettsia typhi, and when rubbed into the bite wound or other wounds can cause the infection. 

Diseases and infections are easily spread if the presence of rats and mice is left uncontrolled.  

Smart ways to prevent infestation caused by rats and mice

The best safeguard against rat infestation is cleanliness. The following tips will help make your home as pest-free as possible:

Mind your trash

Messy and unattended trash is an invitation to rats and mice to enter your home. Leaving trash out in the open air for long periods also makes your home and surrounding areas stink.

Improper disposal of trash makes it easy for outside pests to rummage through garbage bins as they search for food. Make sure that your bags are well-sealed and organized. It’s a good idea to segregate when you can, keeping organics separated from your non-organics.

This is a big help in recycling waste for the good of Mother Earth and the next generation. 

Store your food correctly

Keeping any possible food sources out of the reach of rats and mice always works. Never leave anything edible on your kitchen shelves, tables, and countertops. Find ways to make it difficult for these crawling pests to get to their food source.

Store food items that cause crumbs, such as breads, chips, and the like in tightly-sealed containers. It would be good to eat these kinds of food in areas where easy cleaning can be done. Use napkins or small plates to catch falling crumbs.

Pet food should also be given attention. Never allow it to sit around for long periods of time unattended.

Secure areas outside your home

Grilling food outdoors keeps smoke out of the house, but not pests. These grills and cooking areas must be kept clean at all times to prevent rats and mice from finding reasons to get to them.

Leaf piles and deep mulch can also be a breeding ground for rats and mice, so remove them to eliminate potential nesting sites.

Planting thick vines near walls will beautify your garden, but they become ladders for these crawling pests to gain access to your home.

It’s great to have bird feeders in the garden. Unfortunately, these can also provide a food source for rats and mice.

Your home is a valuable investment you treasure. That’s why you want to keep bothersome pests out of your home. The thing to do is to outsmart them by being watchful for possible entryways they can take. 

The most effective way to keep rats and mice off your property is to contact TOPBEST, a trusted name in pest control in the Philippines, that provides service with Malasakit.  

Learn how TOPBEST EFFECTIVELY ERADICATES rat and mouse infestation.

What’s precious to you, TOPBEST protects from pests.